Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Big increase in cyclists and pedestrians being knocked down in South Belfast

South Belfast People has obtained figures from the local District Policing Partnership which show a 52% increase in the rise of road traffic collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists in South Belfast over the past 5 years.

Most experts say there is a direct link between this type of accident and traffic speeds. Ask anyone living in an urban area and they will be worried about traffic speeding through residential areas. The problem is particularly acute in South Belfast.

Speed bumps, chicanes and cameras have all been deployed to keep motorists at 30mph in built up areas yet the simple fact is that you still stand a one in five chance of being killed if hit by a vehicles travelling 30mph.

Drop the speed of impact to 20mph and the chances of surviving skyrocket (only one in forty chance of being killed).

We are asking people to support the 20s Plenty campaign to get the speed limit reduced to 20mph.

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