Tuesday, 2 December 2008

140 houses for Kings Hall

Planners have today indicated their support for 140 house at the Kings Hall in South Belfast. This is despite over eighty objections from local residents.

This is all part of a much bigger RUAS agenda to get money in order to either develop the Kings Hall or to move the show grounds to the Maze site.

If you are a resident all is not lost. This needs to pass two final tests. First it needs Belfast City Council's approval and second it needs the approval of the RUAS membership. People with concerns about the impact an extra houses would have on this part of Belfast should urgently contact their local councillor and lobby members of the RUAS they know.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

South Belfast planning debate


Planning in Belfast – Can Developers and Residents Work Together?

Mark Finlay – Barnabas Developments
John Copeland – Lorne Street Residents Committee
Paul Montgomery – Planning Service
Cllr Bernie Kelly – Belfast City Council
Carolyn Gilbody – Lagan Valley Group

Monday 24th November 2008 at 7.30pm in the Wellington Park Hotel

This is one of a series of public discussion being hosted by the SDLP Balmoral Branch on issues affecting South Belfast. Carmel Hanna MLA will chair what promises to be a lively and interesting debate.

Facilitators: Carmel Hanna MLA, Cllr Niall Kelly, Conall McDevitt

For further details contact Carmel Hanna MLA on 0289 683535